
Full Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4134 ext. 212

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4134 ext 209

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3447.8709

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4455 or 3429-4478

Assistant Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4133 ext. 301

Assistant Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4134 ext. 208

Full Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4134 ext. 214

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4134 ext. 207

Full Professor
Phone: Telefone: +55 (19) 3429-4177

Full Professor, retired
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4135 ext. 21

Full Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4176 ext. 1

Full Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4434

Full Professor, retired
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4134 ext. 211

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4134 ext. 205

Full Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3447.8710

Assistant Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4135 ext. 26

Bruna Nunes Marsiglio Sarout

Phone: (19) 3429.4455
Research area
Animal nutrition and production; precision animal husbandry; automation using artificial intelligence.

Daniel Montagner Polizel

Phone: (19) 99905-5655
Research area
Ruminant Production and Nutrition

Evandro Kleber Lorenz

Phone: (19) 3429.4177
Research area
Fish nutrition and production

Fagner Júnior Gomes

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3447-5499
Research area
Pasture Production and Management

Gercino Ferreira

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3429-4134
Research area
Animal Production and Nutrition, Dairy Calf Nutrition and Metabolism and Gastrointestinal Microbiome

Greicieli de Morais

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3429-4176 – R. 1
Research area
Conservation of Forages, Grains and Coproducts for Ruminant Animals

Junior Issamu Yasuoka

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3447-5499
Research area
Pasture Production and Management

Patrícia Maloso Ramos

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3429-4260 – R. 300 / 301
Research area
Muscular Physiology and Meat Quality

Rafael Estevan Sabioni

Phone: (19) 3429.4177
Research area
Fish physiology and production.

Tamira Maria Orlando

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3429-4177
Research area
Fish Nutrition and Production

Adailton Gil Santos

Dairy and beef cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Aderli Pedro Homen

Dairy and beef cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Adilson da Aparecida R.Rosa

Small ruminants research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4378

Airton Bonato

Equine Sector
Phone: +55 (19) 34294102

Alexandre Lovadine

Dairy and beef cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Alexandre Sebastião Soares

Poultry research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294298

Antonio Carlos Oliva

Non-ruminant research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294298

Carlos Cesar Alves

Laboratory graduate technician - ESALQLab
Phone: +55(19)34294176

Danilo Roberto Alves

Laboratory technician – reproduction
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4378

Dinival da Silva Duarte

Dairy and beef cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Ednézio Klimasewski de Souza

Non-ruminant research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4298

Emerson Smania

Machinery and equipment maintenance and repair shop
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4175

Francisco Benvindo V. Andrade

Dairy cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Gilberto Antonio Aliberti Junior

Swine research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294289

Gilberto da Silva Duarte

Animal breeding research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294298

Idalina Lopes de Souza Garcia

Dairy cattle research unit - calves
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4298

Ismael Baldessin Junior

Laboratory technician – fish culture
Phone: +55 (19) 34294177

Jorge Luís Ferreira de Andrade

Laboratory technician
Phone: +55(19)34294434

José Benedito de Oliveira

Forage conservation research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

José Henrique Rocha

Phone: +55(19)34294134

José Kossut Knapik

Swine research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294289

José Luiz Franceschi Piedade

Administrative officer
Phone: +55(19)34294191

José Marcos Polizel

Small ruminants research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294378

Joseval Francisco Mandro

Maintenance and reception officer
Phone: +55(19)34294378

Jucelino Lopes da Silva

Machinery and equipment maintenance and repair shop
Phone: +55(19)34294175

Laerte Dagher Cassoli

Laboratory graduate technician- ESALQLab
Phone: +55 (19) 971519898

Leonilço Ramos

Swine research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294289

Luciana Castelar Tsuda

Laboratory technician - reproduction
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4247

Luis Rafael Lorena

Administrative officer – front office
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4134 r 201

Maria Antonia Ladalardo

Laboratory graduate technician – animal growth lab
Phone: +55(19)34294455

Natalino Pereira de Araújo

Dairy and beef cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Paulo Marcos de Oliveira

Non-ruminant research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294298

Ricardo Augusto Brassaloti

Laboratory technician – biotechnology
Phone: +55(19)34294434

Roberto Camargo Gonçalves

Small ruminants research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4378

Rosana Oliveira de Lima Marcelino

Department Secretary
Phone: (19)34294010

Sandra Vicente Augusto

Department Secretary
Phone: +55(19)34294134

Sérgio Vanderlei Pena

Laboratory technician – fish culture
Phone: +55 (19) 34294177

Adailton Gil Santos

Dairy and beef cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Aderli Pedro Homen

Dairy and beef cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Adilson da Aparecida R.Rosa

Small ruminants research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4378

Airton Bonato

Equine Sector
Phone: +55 (19) 34294102

Alexandre Lovadine

Dairy and beef cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Alexandre Sebastião Soares

Poultry research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294298

Alexandre Vaz Pires

Full Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4134 ext. 212
Research area
Beef cattle production and nutrition; evaluation of biological and nutritional value of feedstuff for beef and dairy cattle.

Antonio Carlos Oliva

Non-ruminant research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294298

Bruna Nunes Marsiglio Sarout

Phone: (19) 3429.4455
Research area
Animal nutrition and production; precision animal husbandry; automation using artificial intelligence.

Carla Maris Machado Bittar

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4134 ext 209
Research area
Research with metabolism and nutrition of dairy calves, aiming to increase the potential of future milk production. Studies are carried out with evaluation of colostrum feeding protocols and passive immunity transfer, evaluation of different feeding management, liquid and solid diets and its implications in the pre-ruminant metabolism and its transition to functional ruminant. In addition, animal behavior evaluation studies are developed in order to reduce the stress of young animals in situations such as weaning.

Carlos Cesar Alves

Laboratory graduate technician - ESALQLab
Phone: +55(19)34294176

Carlos Guilherme Silveira Pedreira

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3447.8709
Research area
My research interests are related to pasture production and management under clipping and grazing. The main study efforts focus on the responses of forage plants to defoliation management, including applied physiology, morphology, production, persistence, and nutritive value of forage grasses and legumes. New materials are evaluated with the objective of identifying management practices that optimize their use in commercial animal production systems. Materials that are already commercially available are studied to broaden their utilization options in these systems. The use of crop models as tools to predict agronomic responses has also been a subject of interest in our research group.

Daniel Montagner Polizel

Phone: (19) 99905-5655
Research area
Ruminant Production and Nutrition

Danilo Roberto Alves

Laboratory technician – reproduction
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4378

Dante Pazzanese Duarte Lanna

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4455 or 3429-4478
Research area
Works in the area of animal nutrition, nutrition biochemistry, regulation of intermediary metabolism, nutrient requirements and development of mathematical models of metabolism of nutrients for growth and lactation. Leading group in the transfer of knowledge in nutrition of ruminants, mainly to the feed industry and feed mills involved in developing rations, feeding strategies and additives for cattle feeding.

Dinival da Silva Duarte

Dairy and beef cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Ednézio Klimasewski de Souza

Non-ruminant research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4298

Eduardo Francisquine Delgado

Assistant Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4133 ext. 301
Research area
Research interest and study area: Research efforts focusing on muscle physiology with emphasis on growth and changes in skeletal muscle at the molecular (proteomic) and cellular level caused by fetal programming, nutrition, metabolic modifiers, management, genetics and their interrelationships with stress physiology that have a potential impact on organoleptic quality of meat from different cultures, with special interest in red meat. The muscular protein degradation systems and the relationship with meat texture are particularly studied.

Emerson Smania

Machinery and equipment maintenance and repair shop
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4175

Evandro Kleber Lorenz

Phone: (19) 3429.4177
Research area
Fish nutrition and production

Evandro Maia Ferreira

Assistant Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4134 ext. 208
Research area
Ruminant nutrition; lipid metabolism in ruminants; nutrition and production of sheep and goats in feedlot.

Fagner Júnior Gomes

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3447-5499
Research area
Pasture Production and Management

Flavio Augusto Portela Santos

Full Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4134 ext. 214
Research area
Nutrition of dairy cows on intensive tropical grazing systems. Beef cattle production on intensive tropical grazing systems. Feedlot cattle nutrition. Carbohydrate metabolism and grain processing for ruminants. Protein metabolism in ruminants. Feed additives.

Francisco Benvindo V. Andrade

Dairy cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Gercino Ferreira

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3429-4134
Research area
Animal Production and Nutrition, Dairy Calf Nutrition and Metabolism and Gastrointestinal Microbiome

Gerson Barreto Mourão

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4134 ext. 207
Research area
The animal breeding and genetics genomics group of LZT-ESALQ is active in cutting-edge research projects for the Brazil industry (beef cattle, dairy, sheep and poultry). We have international contacts with leading research centers in several countries; jobs opportunities for talented graduates in animal breeding are excellent anytime.

Gilberto Antonio Aliberti Junior

Swine research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294289

Gilberto da Silva Duarte

Animal breeding research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294298

Greicieli de Morais

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3429-4176 – R. 1
Research area
Conservation of Forages, Grains and Coproducts for Ruminant Animals

Idalina Lopes de Souza Garcia

Dairy cattle research unit - calves
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4298

Ismael Baldessin Junior

Laboratory technician – fish culture
Phone: +55 (19) 34294177

Jorge Luís Ferreira de Andrade

Laboratory technician
Phone: +55(19)34294434

José Benedito de Oliveira

Forage conservation research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

José Eurico Possebon Cyrino

Full Professor
Phone: Telefone: +55 (19) 3429-4177
Research area
Expertise in the area of fisheries and allied aquacultures focusing on fresh water fish biology, production and nutrition.

José Fernando Machado Menten

Full Professor, retired
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4135 ext. 21
Research area
Expertise in poultry feeding and nutrition with emphasis on nutritional requirements of chickens, nutritional value of feed ingredients, feed additives in chicken production, intestinal microbiota and gut health.

José Henrique Rocha

Phone: +55(19)34294134

José Kossut Knapik

Swine research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294289

José Luiz Franceschi Piedade

Administrative officer
Phone: +55(19)34294191

José Marcos Polizel

Small ruminants research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 34294378

Joseval Francisco Mandro

Maintenance and reception officer
Phone: +55(19)34294378

Jucelino Lopes da Silva

Machinery and equipment maintenance and repair shop
Phone: +55(19)34294175

Junior Issamu Yasuoka

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3447-5499
Research area
Pasture Production and Management

Laerte Dagher Cassoli

Laboratory graduate technician- ESALQLab
Phone: +55 (19) 971519898

Leonilço Ramos

Swine research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294289

Luciana Castelar Tsuda

Laboratory technician - reproduction
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4247

Luis Rafael Lorena

Administrative officer – front office
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4134 r 201

Luiz Gustavo Nussio

Full Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4176 ext. 1
Research area
Forage conservation and quality.

Luiz Lehmann Coutinho

Full Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4434
Research area
Animal genetics, genes expression, biotecnology.

Maria Antonia Ladalardo

Laboratory graduate technician – animal growth lab
Phone: +55(19)34294455

Moacyr Corsi

Full Professor, retired
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4134 ext. 211
Research area
Pastoral systems of animal production, extension work.

Natalino Pereira de Araújo

Dairy and beef cattle research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294438

Patrícia Maloso Ramos

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3429-4260 – R. 300 / 301
Research area
Muscular Physiology and Meat Quality

Paulo Marcos de Oliveira

Non-ruminant research unit
Phone: +55(19)34294298

Rafael Estevan Sabioni

Phone: (19) 3429.4177
Research area
Fish physiology and production.

Ricardo Augusto Brassaloti

Laboratory technician – biotechnology
Phone: +55(19)34294434

Roberto Camargo Gonçalves

Small ruminants research unit
Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4378

Roberto Sartori Filho

Associate Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4134 ext. 205
Research area
Research interest and study area: Research focusing on physiology and biotechnology of reproduction in ruminants.

Rosana Oliveira de Lima Marcelino

Department Secretary
Phone: (19)34294010

Sandra Vicente Augusto

Department Secretary
Phone: +55(19)34294134

Sérgio Vanderlei Pena

Laboratory technician – fish culture
Phone: +55 (19) 34294177

Sila Carneiro da Silva

Full Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3447.8710
Research area
Research interests comprise ecophysiology of forage plants, grazing ecology, grazing management and animal husbandry systems in pastures, focus on small and large ruminants.

Tamira Maria Orlando

Pós- Doutorando
Phone: (19) 3429-4177
Research area
Fish Nutrition and Production

Urbano dos Santos Ruiz

Assistant Professor
Phone: +55 (19) 3429-4135 ext. 26
Research area
Work on swine nutrition and feeding, evaluation and quality of feedstuffs, use of feed additives in animal feeding, and animal nutrition and feeding as a tool to reduce environmental impact of animal production systems.