Training Center for Human Resources (CT)
Sponsor: Flávio Augusto Portela Santos

The Training Center for Human Resources [CT - Centro de Treinamento de Recursos Humanos] was set up by the LZT in 1997 as an annex structure to the dairy and beef cattle production system, funded entirely by Cooperatives ‘Paulista’ and ‘Itambé’ plus the Companies Nestlé, Parmalat, Tetrapak and De-Laval. The goal of CT is transferring technology to technicians, employees and farmers, fostering the improvement of human resources and the intensification of dairy and beef cattle production systems.

• Centre for Excellence in Production Management and Dairy Quality - Milk Clinic (“Clínica do Leite”)
Sponsor: Paulo Fernando Machado

The LZT’s Center of Excellence in Production Management and Dairy Quality (Dairy Clinic – “Centro de Excelência em Gestão da Produção e da Qualidade do Leite - Clínica do Leite”) of LZT was set up in 1996 funded by the University of São Paulo, the São Paulo State Research Foundation [FAPESP – Funcação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo”] and the National Sponsor of Studies and Projects [FINEP – Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos do Governo Federal]. The Dairy Clinic meets the requirements of the University in teaching, research and extension, aiming at the production of high quality milk and dairy products and improved food security. The Dairy Clinic is home to the Laboratory of Lactation Physiology (“Laboratório de Fisiologia da Lactação”) working on somatic cell count, components, counting and identification of bacteria, the presence of antibiotics, presence of adulterants and uric nitrogen of milk, and to the Computer Lab (“Laboratório de Informática”), working on the development dairy farming management software.

• Instrumentation Center: Multi-User Lab Centralized Functional Genomics Applied to Agriculture and Agri-energy
Sponsor: Luiz Lehmann Coutinho

The Instrumentation Center is a new paradigm for the development and use new technologies on functional genomics and support for research activities and technological development. The Instrumentation Center provides services in DNA sequencing and genotyping, sequencing and protein quantitation, identification of biomolecules and bioinformatics; the training of researchers in the areas of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics; and dissemination of knowledge in all of these areas of cooperation. The initiative is a joint effort of governmental, education and research institutions (USP, UNESP, UNICAMP, UFSCAR, EMBRAPA, IAC), and private companies (Agroceres, Suzano Papel e Celulose), the ESALQ’s Business Incubator and the Technology Center of Piracicaba, providing solutions in Functional Genomics area. The initiative is also joined by USP’s School of Odontology at Bauru, USP’s Medical College, and the Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics, USP’s College of Liberal Arts at Ribeirão Preto.

• ESALQLab – laboratory analyzes for the agro business
e-mail: atendimento@esalqlab.com.br
Phone # +55 (19) 3429-4176
WhatsApp: (19) 97151-9898

Sponsors: Alexandre Vaz Pires
Sila Carneiro da Silva
Urbano dos Santos Ruiz

Accredited technical staff:
Laerte Dagher Cassoli

Our mission is to contribute to increasing pruductivity in the Barzilian agribusiness. For that purpose, we offer our clients reliable information for the decision-making process. Our motto: measure to manage. We offer a wide range of bromatological analyses in food for animal nutrition to both the academic community and the agribusiness sector. We also operate in an integrated way with other Laboratories of the Animal Science Department.

• Laboratory of Anatomy and Applied Animal Phisiology [LAFA]
Sponsors: Eduardo Francisquine Delgado
Raul Machado Neto

LAFA concentrates efforts in the anatomy and physiology studies of organs and systems related to animal growth, with special attention to the formation and transfer of passive immunity, as well as molecules absorption and integrity by the enterocytes (LAFA 1). Another line of studies works with the physiology of skeletal striated muscle tissue, integrating concepts of metabolic modifiers, nutrition and animal stress in muscle growth and its impacts on meat quality (LAFA 2).

• Laboratory of Animal Biotechnology
Sponsor: Luiz Lehmann Coutinho

Accredited techical staff
Jorge Luís Ferreira de Andrade
Nirlei Aparecida Silva
Ricardo Augusto Brassaloti

The Biotechnology laboratory is focused on research, student training and genomics services. We offer services in RNA and DNA sequencing, genotyping and bioinformatics.

• Animal Metabolism Laboratory/Experimental Calf Rearing Facility Evilásio de Camargo
Sponsor: Carla Maris Machado Bittar

The Animal Metabolism Lab utilizes dairy calves as a study model, conducting research on the effects of nutrition for the transition from pre- to a functional ruminant condition. The experimental area has different housing and feeding systems, with 48 individual hutches, 18 suspended pens and an automatic feeder for 25 calves. In addition, the experimental calf unit has a management center and feeding processing area. The analysis laboratory is equipped with centrifuges; biochemical automatic analyzer; ELISA reader; spectrophotometer; microscope; DBO and drying oven; analytic scales; and freezers. This structure allows several research and blood metabolites analysis, such as glucose, b-hydroxybutyrate, non-esterified fatty acids, total protein and several hormones.

• Laboratory of Animal Growth [LNCA]
Sponsor: Dante Pazzanese Duarte Lanna

Accredited techcnical staff
Maria Antonia Ladalardo Etchegay

The Animal Growth and Nutrition Lab research efforts center around the bioenergetics of growth. We try to understand how nutrients, genetics and hormones control growth and the composition of growth (e.g. muscle and fat). Our main animal model is the ruminant, particularly beef cattle. Development of computer models to predict growth rate and body composition have been developed. These models are also used to predict nutrient requirements for growth. Models were developed into Optimising Softwares used in Decision Making to predict profitability and the optimal end point for quality beef production. Studies at the molecular level aim to understand how nutrients (e.g. conjugated linoleic acid) and hormones (e.g. growth hormone and insulin) alter nutrient partitioning, fat synthesis and regulate whole animal growth. The Lab is pioneer in the studies of feed efficiency and Residual Feed Intake in Nelore cattle. The lab extension efforts include: 1) lab analysis including fatty acid profiles in fats; 2) provide to the industry Softwares for Feed Formulation and Optimisation; 3) provide Software to predict Nutrient Requirements; 4) Conduct experiments with different feed and genetics treatments for the industry; 5) Develop computer models to determine Optimal Slaughter End Point and beef quality; 6) develop automation procedures for feedlots (precision farming solutions).

• Laboratory of Forage Plant [LAPF]
Carlos Guilherme Silveira Pedreira
Sila Carneiro da Silva

The Forage Plant Laboratory provides operational and logistic support to research involving the agronomic characterization of pastures and forage crops.  Available infrastructure includes experimental fields for plot studies using clipping or mob-grazing, irrigation, and larger areas for grazing studies where plant and animal responses can be investigated.  In order to make forage studies self-contained and independent, the Forage Lab has developed capability to support activities using specific facilities such as sample processing, drying and grinding rooms, besides storage (dry or frozen) equipment.  For ecophysiology research, field equipment includes rising-plate meters and capacitance probes for herbage mass evaluation, point-quadrat and electronic canopy analyzers for the characterization of sward structure and architecture, and infra-red gas analyzer for photosynthesis measurements.  "Heavy" equipment is available for forage sampling, including, sickle-bar self-propelled forage harvester, electric shears for quadrat clipping, gas-powered generators, hedge trimmers, and portable mowers.  Electronic and mechanical scales and dynamometers, as well as leaf area meters are available for field and bench measurements.  A computer station and internet optic fiber link are also available to graduate students, student workers and research associates.

• Laboratory of Forage Quality and Conservation
Sponsor: Luiz Gustavo Nussio

The Laboratory of Forage Quality and Conservation is where specific basic and applied studies with animal feed analysis take place. Microbial and fermentation profiles are explored in order to characterize good practices and conservation standards. The innovative approach to recommend additives to silage and hay production is focused on the overall systemic efficiency, mainly related with environmental sustainability and human and animal health. The conservation of the major common substrates: tropical forage sources, concentrates and byproducts are regularly analyzed to be fitted into animal production systems. Lab and animal models are used to validate proposed strategies to improve nutritive value and efficiency related with the process of conservation. Undergraduate, graduate (MS and PhD) and internship students together with Post Docs and Staff play the major role on the routine of the lab.

• Fish culture and nutrition research unit
Sponsor: José Eurico Possebon Cyrino