
ESALQ-USP Equine Therapy Project
Equine therapy, according to the National Association of Equine Therapy (ANDE-Brazil) is a therapeutic and educational method, which uses the horse in an inter and multidisciplinary approach in the areas of health, education and riding, seeking the biopsychosocial development of people with limitations and / or with special needs.
 In this therapy, the horse is fundamental, since it plays a role of rehabilitation and education agent. Because it happens inside a ring, in the open air, it is very playful, pleasant and can accelerate the evolution of the treatment. This therapy is indicated for the treatment of functional limitations and disabilities in patients with neuromotor disorders. In addition to the physical benefits, therapy is also recognized for providing numerous cognitive, affective and psychological benefits to its practitioners. Therefore, it favors children and adults to develop their potential, respecting their limits and aiming for their integration into society.
In order to contribute to the scientific basis for therapeutic practice, training of new professionals in the area and provision of quality service to the community of Piracicaba and region, in a pioneering initiative within the Public Universities, at the Luiz de Queiroz Higher School of Agriculture - ESALQ-USP, ESALQ-USP Equine Therapy Project was founded in the Animal Science Department of ESALQ, Equaloculture Sector, in August 2001, coordinated by prof. Dr. Claudio Maluf Haddad.
The Equoterapia Project is not for profit and in all these years of existence, has been seeking to contemplate the triad Research, Teaching and Extension. In the area of ​​Research, work has been developed to complete the course, publications of articles in National and International Congresses and in specialized journals (APPENDIX). With the dissemination of the acquired results, the Project contributes providing greater scientific base to the practice of the therapeutic sessions. In relation to Teaching, professional training courses were offered and lectures were given on the subject in Universities of Piracicaba and region. In addition, it is possible for professionals in related areas to act as volunteers, experiencing therapeutic practice and improving their knowledge about therapy. Therefore, the Project allows new professionals to be able to promote, expand and lead new Equine Therapy programs in other cities and regions of the country.
Regarding the Extension area, the Project provides assistance to the community of Piracicaba and region. Currently, the Project runs from Monday to Friday (8:00 am to 5:00 p.m.), with a capacity of attending about 80 practitioners, from the community of Piracicaba. Practitioners with diagnosis of cerebral palsy, genetic syndromes such as Down syndrome, congenital malformations of the central nervous system, autism, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord trauma, stroke, Parkinson's disease, brain tumors, visual impairment, schizophrenia, hyperactivity, among others. Of these practitioners currently cared for, more than 75% are children and adolescents, mostly from low-income families.
In order to ensure effective and safe care, the ESALQ-USP Equoterapia Project has a multidisciplinary team acting in an interdisciplinary way in the areas of health, education and riding. The professionals are from several areas, such as biology, riding, physical education, agronomic engineering, physiotherapy, speech therapy, psychology, occupational therapy, zootechnics and also has about 50 undergraduate and graduate volunteers from the mentioned areas of different universities in the region .
Finally, it should be noted that ESALQ-USP Equine Therapy Project can be considered a center of reference to integrate: the horse, which is fundamentally important to provide motor, cognitive, affective and psychological benefits to the practitioners of Equoterapia; the multiprofessional team, for its interdisciplinary action, which becomes differential by uniting diverse professionals with common objectives in the process of health promotion and; training of professionals and dissemination of scientific evidence, providing clinical background to professionals who work in Equoterapia
Being part of the Public University, due to its philanthropic nature, it seeks and accepts any and all forms of collaboration in order to foster the Teaching-Research and Extension triad, being open to partnerships and agreements for this purpose.

Figures 1 and 2. Approach Process

Photo: Lidiane Dri Manfiolete

Figures 3 and 4. Hippotherapy (rehabilitation) program session

Figure 5. Therapeutic volteio: sport modality adapted to the Equoterapia

Figure 6. Equine therapy sport modality adapted to Equoterapia

Negri, A.P. ; Cunha, A. B. ; Zamunér, A.R. ; Garbellini, D. ; Moreno, M. A. ; Haddad C.M. Variabilidade da frequência cardíaca em praticantes de equoterapia com paralisia cerebral. Terapia Manual, v. 8, p. 44-49, 2010.

Em elaboração:

Cunha, A. B.; Zamunér, A.R.; Moreno, M. A.; Tudella, E.; Haddad C.M.; Silva, E.. Effect of one session of hippotherapy on autonomic modulation of heart rate in children with cerebral palsy.  


Revistas/ Jornais
Cunha AB, Novaes G F, Rezende LC, Corrêa MMD, Garbellini D, Maluf E, Negri AP, Caldas AP, Oliveira TPG, Haddad CM. Hippotherapy results on muscular tonus of lower limbs and motor performance on children  with spastic cerebral palsy. AHA-American Hippotherapy Association. winter, 2007. p. 14-15.

Maluf, E. ; Negri, A.P. ; Caldas, A.P.M. ; Oliveira, T. ; Garbellini, D. ; Haddad, C.M.  The influence of therapeutic riding in the balance of individuals with neurological alterations using Berg Scale. AHA-American Hippotherapy Association. winter, 2007. p. 14-15.

Prática em Equoterapia - uma abordagem fisioterápica (2009).
Autor: Alves, E.M.R., 
Colaboradores: Cunha, A. B., Garbellini, D.


  VI Congresso Brasileiro de Equoterapia, Bento Gonçalves- RS, 2014.

Cunha AB,  Garbellini D,  Haddad CM. A Equoterapia como prática complementar no desempenho motor em crianças com paralisia cerebral.

Esposito, N.C.O, Cunha AB,  Garbellini D,  Haddad CM, Fornasari, C.A. Equoterapia no alinhamento postural das colunas cervical e torácica em crianças com paralisia cerebral: estudo de 02 casos.

V Congresso Brasileiro de Equoterapia/ II Congresso Ibero-Americano de Equoterapia, João Pessoa- PB, 2011.

Luccas, R. F. ; Cunha, A. B. ; Haddad C.M . A influência da Equoterapia no desempenho funcional em  crianças com síndrome de Down.

Sacramento, B.C. ; Cunha, A. B. ; Haddad C.M . O efeito da Equoterapia no desempenho funcional em crianças com deficiência visual.

Cunha, A. B. ; Zamunér, A.R. ; Silva, E. ; Tudella, E. ; Haddad, C.M ; Moreno, M. A. . Ajustes da modulação autonômica da frequência cardíaca em praticantes com paralisia cerebral. 

XIII Congresso Latinoamericano de Fisioterapia y Kinesiologia (CLAFK). Santiago, Chile, 2010,

Cunha, A. B. ; Zamunér, A.R. ; Silva, E. ; Haddad, C.M ; Moreno, M. A.  Influência da hipoterapia sobre o controle autonômico da frequência cardíaca em crianças com doença motora de origem cerebral. 

20° Congresso Nacional da da Associação Brasileira de Neurologia, Psiquiatria e Profissões afins (ABENEPI), Campinas, 2009

Cunha, A. B., Negri, A.P., Rocha, D.S., Luccas, R. F., Arruda, A.H., Haddad C.M, Garbellini, D. O efeito da Equoterapia nas habilidades funcionais de crianças com deficiência visual.

IV Congresso Brasileiro de Equoterapia/ I Congresso Latino-Americano de Equoterapia, Curitiba-PR, 2008

Cunha AB, Arruda AH, Garbellini D, Luccas RF, Negri AP, Haddad CM. O efeito da Equoterapia na função motora de crianças com paralisia cerebral.

Negri AP, Arruda AH, Cunha AB, Garbellini D, Luccas RF, Haddad CM. A influência da Equoterapia no equilíbrio de uma praticante com síndrome de Mórquio- estudo de caso.

19° Congresso Nacional da da Associação Brasileira de Neurologia, Psiquiatria e Profissões afins (ABENEPI), Porto Alegre-RS, 2007

Garbellini D, Baeninger M, Cunha AB, Negri AP, Oliveira T, Haddad CM, Souza R. Avaliação da habilidade funcional de praticantes de Equoterapia com paralisia cerebral.

XII Congresso Internacional de Equoterapia, Brasília-DF, 2006

Cunha, A.B. ; Novaes, G.F. ; Rezende, L.C. ; Correa, M.M.D.S. ; Maluf, E. ; Negri, A.P. ; Caldas, A.P.M. ; Oliveira, T. ; Haddad, C.M. ; Garbellini, D. . Therapeutic Horseback riding results on the muscular tonus of lower limbs and motor performance of children with spastic cerebral palsy.

Maluf, E. ; Negri, A.P. ; Caldas, A.P.M. ; Oliveira, T. ; Garbellini, D. ; Haddad, C.M. . The influence of therapeutic riding in the balance of individuals with neurological alterations using Berg Scale.

Negri, A.P. ; Maluf, E. ; Garbellini, D. ; Caldas, A.P.M. ; Oliveira, T. ; Haddad, C.M. . The effect of therapeutic riding in the posture and balance after stroke: case report.

Silva, E.C ; Bastos, P.P. ; Garbellini, D. ; Maluf, E. ; Arruda, A.H. ; Correa, M.M.D.S.; Caldas, A.P.M. ; Oliveira, T. ; Haddad, C.M. . Therapeutic horseback riding: a quantitative comparation of spastic changes on severe quadriplegic children in differents horses.

Hafner, MB, Oliveira, TPG, Caldas, APM, Maulf, E, Haddad, CM. A importância da imagem do cavalo na terapia.

Caldas, A.P.M. ; Negri, A.P. ; Maluf, E. ; Garbellini, D.; Oliveira, T. ; Haddad, C.M. influência da equoterapia sobre a função social, auto-cuidado e mobilidade com praticante com encefalopatia crônica não progressiva.

Oliveira, T. ; Caldas, A.P.M. ; Negri, A.P. ; Maluf, E. ; Garbellini, D.; Haddad, C.M. Progressão terapêutica em caso de mielomeningocele.


Monografias de graduação realizadas no Projeto Equoterapia ESALQ-USP:

Os benefícios da Equoterapia no tratamento da Paralisia Cerebral: uma experiência prática (2002).
Aluna: Eveli Maluf
Orientação: Marta M.Drummond S.Correa

O efeito da Equoterapia na espasticidade em crianças com paralisia cerebral- relato de caso (2003).
Alunas: Renata Weinlich, Roberta L. Mochikawa, Vivian Alvarenga Lucci
Orientação: Marta M. Drummond S.Correa
Co-orientação: Daniela Garbellini

Os efeitos da Equoterapia antes e após a intervenção equoterápica na criança com paralisia cerebral espástica: relato de caso (2004).
Aluna: Vivian Maria Spaulonci
Orientação: Marta M. Drummond S.Correa

Estudo momentânea da oscilação do tronco na Equoterapia (2004).
Aluna: Daniela Leonforte, Ninotchka Antaki Thimming
Orientação: Marta M. Drummond S. Correa

O efeito da Equoterapia na postura em pé de uma criança com paralisia cerebral: relato de caso (2005).
Alunas: Juliana S. Alves, Letícia M. Stracieri
Orientação: Marta M. Drummond S. Correa
Co-orientação: Daniela Garbellini

O efeito da Equoterapia no tônus muscular de membros inferiores e desempenho motor em crianças com paralisia cerebral do tipo espástica (2005).
Alunas: Andréa Baraldi Cunha, Letícia Carvalho Rezendo, Gisane Faria Novaes.
Orientação: Daniela Garbellini
Co-orientação:  Marta M. Drummond S. Correa

Avaliação da capacidade funcional de praticantes de Equoterapia com paralisia cerebral (2006)
Aluna: Marília Fonseca Baeninger
Orientação: Daniela Garbellini

O efeito da Equoterapia no equilíbrio de pacientes com doença de Parkinson (2009)
Alunas: Alessandra Carolina Duarte Rodrigues, Cíntia Maria de Oliveira, Cristina Camargo Pretel
Orientação: Izabel Baraldi
Co-orientação: Andréa Baraldi Cunha e Ana Paola Negri

Avaliação da postura da coluna cervical e toracica de crianças com paralisia cerebral atendidas na equoterapia e fisioterapia convencional – estudo de 02 casos (2012).
Aluna: Natália C. O. Esposito
Orientação: Carlos Alberto Fornasari
Co-orientação: Daniela Garbellini.

Para obter informações sobre os resumos/ trabalhos/ artigos completos de seu interesse, envie um e-mail para: <esalq.equoterapia@gmail.com>